646 226 4073


Donor Management

We can all encourage or persuade people to give. But once we do can we make giving easy? Can we encourage recurring gifts by debit card or bank draft? Can we easily create separate campaigns and separate fundraisers without complicated finance changes? And can we simplify back office tasks such as reporting highest gifts, highest donors, sponsorships, etc? We may not be able to do this but we work with a donor management system that can.

The donor management system and donor optimized website come as a bundle cost $160/month. For $160 a month you can have the system do the job of 1 regular employee when it comes to tracking donations , compiling reports, and handling a portion of donor communications.

Onboarding for the systems as well as setting up the system is multistep task. We have developed a simple streamlined process to get clients signed up and able to receive donations quickly. The process is normally 3 months but with the proper cooperation, communication, and avsilability we can do the same amount of work done in 3 months but compress it to 2-3 weeks.

The cost for setup from the introduction to the flow documentation is $10,000 paid in advance. The Principal must be available the first week to work with the donor management platform representatives to get the proprietary merchant services going.

Though the gateway / merchant account function is fully integrated to donor management platform, it still requires an application process.

Ongoing support and maintenance is to be determined by the company and the client at the conclusion of the project. Opening of the giving website to the public constitutes the conclusion.

Contact us today at ron@ronhall.org or 646 226 4073 for more information.